Yes it's been a while since I had something to put out here. I have a fever and Lily has a cold. fairing pretty well but I think I am getting it now and I'm sure Jim will be next. We have a Devil Bliss suction machine, but don't really need anything more than the squeeze bulbs to get the boogers out. All I can say on the topic of her cold is: If you are sick and will be at a similar gathering as Lily, don't go. If you still have to go, then one of us will stay home with Lily and you will not being seeing her. Getting down off the soapbox now...
I had my MRI this past weekend and nothing was found. One less year of worry.
Props out to Hannah --Vivian's Mom -- for an excellent post on "sisters" who GET IT!! Thank you so much for a such a smile/tear inspiring piece.