We have had a busy summer! And Lily returned to school again in the fall and she has just come so far...She is working on signing and saying her numbers now. She does her alphabet -- she says it all slowly and when she gets to X...Y....Z!!! she is screaming like it's a countdown. She is so funny to watch. She has started to repeat things that we say so I told Jim he has to watch what he says! We are sending out Christmas cards this year for once. Our budget has been pretty tight this year but we will have a great Christmas thanks to some year-round and Christmas angels. You know who you are!! She continues to love animals whether it is a a rubbery lizard or Fisher Price Zoo animals. When she plays with them she is a little OCD and makes them all lie down. She has discovered our kitchen as well. She scoots in there to play with the Diet Coke fridge packs we have on the floor. She likes to unstack them if they are full and stack them up end to end very tall when they are empty. And when she is done I pick her up to take her to the living room she says "buh-bye". It is so cute. She has grown talled too. We are going to adjust her KidCart because her knees are getting closer to her chin. Her pants fit better cause her legs are longer, but she still has no hips so alot of them slide down. We received a ton of 3T clothers from a family we met at Illinois School for The Deaf, Heather and Matt. A shout out to them for being so generous!! I have a bunch of smaller girls clothes tat run from premie to around 18 months. Please post if you know someone who could use them. She is learning so much in school including greetings. She does not say Hello yet but the other day I said it sarcastically like "Hello, get a clue" kind of tone and of course she picked right up on that and yelled Hellooooo!?! giggle giggle giggle... She had a sedated echo the other day at CDH and nothing has changed, which is the news we want to hear. Her LPA is still the same size so no Fontan yet. Plus she only weighs around 22lbs and we have to wait til 30lbs. She lost a little weight recently with the stomach flu while we were at the hospital for the echo. Maybe she will have the Fontan at the new Children's which I saw slides of at a new group I am part of called Mended Little Hearts. If anyone who reads this wants to join we meet at CDH monthly. And I can't tell you how nice it is to walk into a room of people and not have to explain ONE THING. They just get it!!! Weeee!!! I have also joined Facebbok end of last year but this year have become friends with many Heart and Charge families and it has been a great support. It is a great community. I will upload pics with my next entry after the New Year.To all of you out there...Lily's back!!! And I will be updating this on a regular basis again.Merry Christmas to all of you!!!