First blog! Woo hoo! I was finally inspired to do this by Hannah from California (Viv's mom). It is what it is. But I think this could seriously be an outlet I could use right now.
Last week on 7/16 I became one of the officially unemployed. Yes, it my 3rd layoff after my 4th merger. We'll see how this goes. The best part of it is that I get to be with Lily again for all of her therapy and doctor's appointments, etc. She is a morning baby and I am not a morning mommy at all. I'm sure God decided on that!
Today we took Lily to Cosley Zoo in Wheaton. She saw some sheep a horse a goat and then the backs of her eyelids. I am still getting used to her sleep schedule. Right now it is defined as one nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. When specifically is up to her... I can thank Children's Memorial in Chicago and the great nurses there for her self-soothing tendencies. She could play in her crib all day without one peep. She is quite a scoocher (not sure if that is a word) and lays on her back and pushes with her feet to get around.
As I mentioned, Lily has Charge Syndrome. She was part of a genetic study when she arrived at Children's. She has 4 heart surgeries, 1 choanal atresia surgery, 5 nasal endoscopies, 2 cardiac caths, gt tube surgery and a partridge in a pear tree...She has a retinal coloboma in her left eye; heart issues (Double Outlet Right Ventricle with aortic stenosis and Ventricular Septal Defect with coarctation -- whew!!); ear issues (severe hearling loss in the left ear and mild to moderate in the right) and is gtube fed.
Ok. More than you wanted to know. I never in a MILLION years thought I would know this much medical terminology in my life. And yes now I can sound like a nurse. Halloween is only a few months away. Lily could be the doctor! Back to topic...If you are one of my friends you know I could go on and on. And I think I will do it another day because I have held myself back from running into the other room to go play with my daughter!