We had a great Christmas. Christmas Eve we spent at my parents with my brother, Chris, and sis in law Mary Jane. During dinner my mom tried passing me the wild rice, knocked my red wine glass over and succeeded in marinating not only the floor but our Christmas ham. It was delicious (the ham, not the floor!). We thought we should start that as a new tradition and maybe someday Lily can spill the wine!
Lily we found is not fond of wrapping paper or unwrapping things. We got a wonderful gift of the Vtech Spin N Learn Top just before Christmas from Emily our Speech therapist:). Lily pushed it away. Oh well! She loves the toy, just not the paper.
She is a very blessed and lucky girl to have great grandparents and cousins who love her so much!

Oh, precious, precious Lily! You are really TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! I am so excited mama posted about your Christmas; it sounds like so much fun! I love your Christmas dress, and you look so pretty in red!
Karen, so fun to see you too (even if you're peeking out over Miss Lily's head :-)).
Hope you three continue to enjoy a beautiful holiday season!
Sounds like a very nice Christmas, I hope your new years is just as nice, without the wine on the floor...LOL!
Crystal and Eva
I just wanted to stop and say I hope everything is ok since its been awhile since your last update.
Crystal and Eva
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