Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanks Giving

I was reading an article today about a man who killed his autistic son and then himself. Morbid way to start this post I agree but it made me think about how grateful I am for Lily.

She is more than just this squeaking, babbling, squirming, hearing aid-pulling-out, giggling, crying, smiling sleepy, pooping toddler now.

She has brought so many new people into our lives. It started at the hospital where she was born and then at Children's in Chicago. We met great nurses, NPs and doctors. I met people from all over the world at the Ronald McDonald House. Then through Early Intervention we have met not only great therapists, but warm, friendly caring individuals.

I am thankful also for all the people that prayed for Lily through her surgeries. I am happy I still have contact with the people I used to work with that kept me supported and laughing through everything. When I was working I spoke to people all over the country and learned through some of them of their special needs children and their struggles and triumphs. It made me grateful to think of how easy Lily is -- it gave me perspective I didn't have before.

I am grateful to the moms that I met with heart kids at the hospital (take that HIPAA!!) and online. To Charge families I have met through the yahoo listserv. Every day they make my life easier by helping me vent just by reading their comments and wisdom and humor.

There are all kinds of families in this world and I am happy to be part of them and overjoyed to have Lily and Jim with me. Thanks to my husband's side of the family and to my brother, sis in law and my parents. I love you all.


The Waggoner Family said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. Lily is absolutely beautiful! Isn't amazing how having a child with special needs can make you realize all the little things to be truly thankful for. Things like our children taking 1 bite of food at dinner. Most parents just expect that and aren't thankful that their children can eat because they don't know any different. I truly believe that my son, Jack, has made me a better person and I am soooo thankful for that. It seems you are great parents to Lily. I'm so glad she is thriving!

hannah m said...

I am thankful for your family, Karen, even though we haven't "met" yet! You are so spot on: it is the people that make the tough days bearable and the amazing days a celebration - people we wouldn't have met if we weren't moms to our special babies!
And, of course, every day I am thankful for Miss Vivian and this unexpected but oh, so beautiful, journey.

Crystal M. said...

I am always so thankful I have met so many other families in the same boat as me on line. I am so grateful for the internet and it bringing me to families like your. I hope we get to meet you soon, I know we should meet next year at the conference since its so close to home for both of us this time.
Crystal and Eva

amy and mighty max said...

Yes our CHARGE family is pretty incredible...not sure what I would do without the support, love and understanding from all the other families. Truly amazing!

Miss Lily is GORGEOUS by the way!!!