Monday, October 26, 2009

Our Anniversary

Jim and I have now been married 6 years yesterday. It almost came and went without us both acknowledging it. We had a good laugh over it. We've been so busy with the move and Lily.

I was married once before. It was rather like being on an elevator with someone where you just happened to be there with at the same time. You weren't "together", you were just there. He would get on and off occasionally while I just stayed there, alone. And eventually I gave up and got off, and never looked back.

Eventually I met and married Jim. He is the most sentimental, thoughtful, creative, funny, sensitive man --not to mention great dad -- that I know. We have been through alot in the past year. And it seems like we have had to say that every year -- my cancer, Lily's birth and the following chaos, moving, and some other things I won't go into. But the whole time he has always been there. It is just fact that we are in this together. We didn't exchange cards or gifts this year, but just knowing that he is here for us is the best anniversary and life present I could ever get.

I love you Jim.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Fun 2009

Just chillin'...LITERALLY!

I pick THIS one!

We took Miss Lily to the Cosley Zoo nearby again to see if she would pay attention to the animals. She didn't. I think my husband had more fun looking at and photographing a few of them. I was busy wondering if she was warm enough because I forgot to bring a blanket. We have been using a Peg Perego stroller that one of my sis's-in-law gave us that Lily loves. It actually has a cover that we could zip around her legs, but I forgot that too. What kind of mother AM I?? Well I know!:)))

Mommy and Lily

Daddy and Lily among the pumpkins

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moving On

Life throws crveballs ocassionally and one is that we had to move. We are still getting settled in altough our furniture made it here 2 weeks ago. I'm sad that Lily won't have her own swingset anymore and the dogs won't have a larger place to run and poop. But it's been good so far. We got to paint all the rooms the way we wished they had been at the old place. Lily's room is now shocking green/yellow color. It's Valspar's Tender Bud, but didn't turn out quite like the paint chip. Nonetheless, what's important is that it matches her personality! Bright! Happy! Feisty!

Speaking of That Girl, she is babbling up a storm lately with her own long sentences of Lilyisms. Duke-ah duke-ah duke-ah, namenahnamenahnamenah...In the morning I just lie in my bed and listen to her when she wakes up. She is definitely my daughter and Jim's being that she talks sooo much. Now if we can get her to say actual words. Our DTH has been impressed and says that she says things very clearly which is a good sign.

On the AT front we are getting a gaittrainer (KidWalk), a stander (Easy Stand) and a a chair (Leckey) which are all awesome. She has tried all but the stander. We have a great equipment guy that our Respiratory PT uses for Ei and his day job and he is awesome. Vince ('t just walk away after fliping some switches and knobs. He makess sur eyou are absolutely comfortable withe the equipment and that the child is comfy in it too! We were going to go through Easter Seals for some communication AT evals, but they are months behind. So we are looking to Rehab Institute of Chicago which has a decent rep. We have a friend who brings her daughter there for ortho.

Please pray for our friend Moriah,, who is a another little Charger who has spent almost a year in the hosital. She is much more complicated than Lily and she and her family are fantastic, warm people.

Moments With Moriah